Sunday, May 25, 2014

Book Review- Jaydeep Sarangi’s A Door Somewhere?

Reviewed by- Varsha Singh

“You only live twice:/ Once when you're born/And once when you look death in the face.”
― Ian Fleming, You Only Live Twice

But a poet like Jaydeep Sarangi, lives as many time he pens down a piece of poetry. He does not ink those ideas on paper rather he immerses in his verses which hail from plethora of experiences, all good, bad, beautiful, painful etc. His poems give a sense of calmness to the horrified minds, sense of well-being to the distracted souls and sense of love for humanity to those who keep away from it; “A Door Somewhere?” by Jaydeep Sarangi is such a work.

A bunch of 47 poems of this collection makes one go astray where all the answers, which we question ourselves on daily basis, reside, in a personal way.

The collection begins with a poem, where the poet opens his heart with a serene prayer, a beautiful offering towards his mother.

“She wonders/why do I return to her each day./In homely quit, beside the lantern./She can listen to my heart beats,/The rise and fall/I follow each time./My nervous eyes hold winter breath./My temple has one deity -/My mother.”

As William Shakespeare through his famous poem “All the World’s a Stage” described the seven stages of man, similarly Jaydeep Sarangi took hold of a baby growing in a poet, through different stages of life, alike a poem with a beginning, middle and an end.

Baby Growing In A Poet
“Death has different meanings for us/at different stages of life/So does poetry./Its images are collage/Of thoughtful ideas wedded  into a door,/Symbols are its bricks and stones/Of a home of thoughts,/Where nerves make a man grow/Like a poem/Beginning, middle and an end…”

“Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it.”
― L.M. Montgomery, The Story Girl

For Sarangi, remembrance is of great importance, from where one may peep into the history which mostly seems lost. His fondness about history, about the small things of past is visible in the poem “Small Things In Life”

“My thoughts are now/Waiting. Small things are/Recalled and stored/In raindrops and wind blowing./My vegetable dreams/Usher monsoon of hope/When one comes to the end of things…”

Another piece, which breaks the silence of history, is “The Sun Temple”

“Relics of past unnerve me/Where the language of stone/Dismisses the language of man…”

“A Door Somewhere?” the title poem talks about the mystery of history as well.

“Each time I read history/I find a door somewhere./Past talking to present/Something else is yet to happen, only where and what?...”

There are plenty of poems written about words, such as Anne Sexton, Edward Thomas and now Jaydeep Sarangi. Each of them has a unique description about ‘words’.

According to Sexton, “Be careful of words,/even the miraculous ones./For the miraculous we do our best,/sometimes they swarm like insects/and leave not a sting but a kiss.” In the words of Thomas, “Out of us all/That make rhymes,/Will you choose/Sometimes –/As the winds use/A crack in the wall/Or a drain,/Their joy or their pain/To whistle through –/Choose me,/You English words?...”

Sarangi has a unique sensibility for ‘words’. He says,

“His words are echo,/Asking a shadow to dance in tune/Tied side by side/On printed pages./A world is everywhere./Images roll like sweet stitches/Left to right./Words are arms in a congress of minds,/Kites in the sky.”

Another powerful poem of this collection is “Caged Bard”, dedicated to a rickshaw puller named Manoranjan Byapari, who writes Bangla novels, stories and autobiography.

“Long struggles/Demystified Byapari of false honours/of the caste-ridden society/He discovers beauty in working class,/Cooperation among have-nots,/Humanism in rebels,/Simplicity of outcastes./Byapari drinks them all…”

“For A Postman” is another strong piece in the list, which envelops the story of an unsung hero, lost in present era of technology.

“How can I write to others without a postman/Serving for seasons/Carrying my smiles and sorrows/In both hands./I smell your garden in spring/When you cannot visit me… The postman goes with a bang/A character,/An unsung hero/A link between the continents of the mind;/For me.”

According to Tamaso Lonsdale, a writer and editor from Australia, “Jaydeep Sarangi’s poems offer a ray of hope to those oppressed by the harshness of life’s reality. They have an enigmatic and at times ethereal quality drifting into the mystical.” 

Amusing is the way, very Indian is the taste and thought provoking is the idea, poems of the collection, “A Door Somewhere?” by Jaydeep Sarangi are real treat for the readers, with oodles of alluring metaphors and lavish adjectives along with the depth of reality and intense interpretations. 

About the Poet
Widely anthologized and reviewed as a poet, Jaydeep Sarangi writes in his own style. His lyrical moments embrace life’s profound solitude and his ideas flood from his engagements and commitments to life around him. His poetic flight moves through emotional snapshots to reach his inner serenity what Keki Daruwalla, one of the doyens of Indian English Literature finds his poems, “a fresh paint to everyday living.” He can be reached at

About the book
Author- Jaydeep Sarangi
Genre- Poetry
Publisher- Cyber Wit
Price- INR 200 /-

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Book Review: A Phase Unknown - Woman A Tribute

By - Varsha Singh

‘Women Empowerment’ is a phrase which has been floating around in the aura since quite some time. There are dozens of books based on the theme of strengthening the identity of women in society. Jane Austen in her novel Persuasion rendered really well, “I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives.” Most of the time, women are considered and expected to be the epitome of delicacy; which is not a universal truth.

A Phase Unknown- Woman A Tribute is a book very different from the works, previously published. It does not imitate or follows any earlier work. This book is a mélange of various young, aspiring and established writers, who are passionate about making a difference in world through their works which are sensitive as well as full of insights.

A venture initiated by Shreyasi Phukon, edited and compiled by Sharanya Bhattacharya and Nilesh Gowardhan includes the works of 17 contributors, including male and female authors/poets, differently. It is interesting to read about the feminine sensitivity through the aspects of both male and female authors. For the surprise of the readers, this book comprises various genres as, short stories, poems, letter, and few else which cannot be fitted into any particular genre.

A Phase Unknown makes a strengthening call by questioning, poeticizing and narrating various social stigmas revolving around in the social air regarding the identity of women. Such works are rare to find, as it requires great courage and creativity as well, to portray the lives of the beings, who are mostly considered ‘inconsiderable.’

This book is a tribute to all women who somehow mark a change in everyone’s life. Hope this enlightening initiative brings some change in the society, as the authors of this book try to obtain.

Title- A Phase Unknown – Woman a Tribute
Initiated by Shreyasi Phukon
Edited & Compiled by Sharanya Bhattacharya and Nilesh Gowardhan
Published by – Sanmati Publishers

Price- 120 Rupees